About Us

SafetyJobBoard.com is a niche job portal specialising in health & safety and related industries / markets. As owners of this site ForeFront Training Ltd are a specialist  Health, Safety, Fire and First Aid training company (www.forefronttraining.co.uk) and use this site as a portal to maximise / increase exposure of the services its business is able to offer to the safety professionals who register.

With over 15 years previous experience in a varity of recruitment sectors and a subscribing Fellow of the Recruitment Employment Confederation (REC) Managing Director of ForeFront Darren Sheltons intention was to offer a simple online job board where employers can advertise their vacancies and attract experienced health & safety professionals for positions they may have at low cost.

It costs just £295 to post a job with your logo. Any job posted also appears free on our linkedin page Global Health and Safety jobs which has over 6500 members  

We hope you find the site useful and welcome your feedback. Feel free to contact darren@safetyjobboard.com at any time and we guarantee a rapid response.